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发布时间:2010/6/4  浏览数: 5898 次  浏览字体:[ ]


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【正  文】









南非共和国外交部副部长 阿齐兹·帕哈德


【名称】 the letter from the deputy minister of foreign affairs of therepublic of south africa to the assistant foreign minister of the people'srepublic of china

【题注】 (30 december 1997)whole document

h. e. mr ji peiding

assistant foreign minister

people's republic of china

pretoria, 30 december 1997

your excellency

i have the honour of acknowledging receipt of your letter dated 30

december 1997, and would like to confirm our agreement to the contents of

the above-mentioned letter, which reads as follows:

"i have the honour to refer to the temporary arrangements for the

overflight of the territorial airspace of china by south african airlines

for regular air service as specified in the exchange of notes between the

government of the people's republic of china and the government of the

republic of south africa dated june 9, 1997. in view of the fact that

china and south africa will establish diplomatic relations as from january

1, 1998 and that it takes some time for the two countries to negotiate and

sign a civil aviation agreement, to facilitate the continued regular

commercial flights by south african airlines pending the signing of the

proposed civil aviation agreement between the two countries, i have the

honour to confirm the following on behalf of the government of the

people's republic of china:

the chinese government agrees to the continued overflight of the

territorial airspace of china by south african airlines for regular air

service on the johannesburg - osaka route from 1 january 1998 to 30 june

1998. details about this matter shall be worked out by the aviation

authorities of the two countries. in the meantime the competent

departments of the two governments shall enter into talks on this issue

with a view to signing a civil aviation agreement between them.

thereafter, this issue shall be handled according to the relevant

provisions in the civil aviation agreement of the two governments.

if your excellency confirms the above contents in a note of reply on

behalf of the government of the republic of south africa, this note and

your reply note shall form an agreement between our two governments and

shall enter into force as of the date of the establishment of diplomatic

relations between the two countries."

your understanding and constructive efforts for a solution to this

important issue are very much appreciated.

please accept, your excellency, the assurances of my highest


aziz pahad

deputy minister of foreign affairs

of the republic of south africa

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