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发布时间:2010/6/4  浏览数: 2677 次  浏览字体:[ ]


【有 效 性】有效


【文 件 号】外领五函(1996)115号 




【正  文】













中华人民共和国政府代表 印度共和国政府代表 国务院副总理兼外交部长 外交部长

钱 其 琛 古杰拉尔

(签 字) (签 字)

【名称】 agreement between the government of the people's republic of chinaand the government of the republic of india concerning the maintenance ofthe consulate general of the republic of india in the hong kong specialadministrative region of the people's republic of china

【题注】 whole document

the government of the people's republic of china and the government ofthe republic of india (hereinafter referred to as "the two parties"), withthe common desire to develop friendly relations and enhance consularrelations between the two countries, have agreed as follows:

1. the government of the people's republic of china gives its consentto the maintenance by the government of the republic of india of itsconsulate general in the hong kong special administrative region of thepeople's republic of china.

2. the government of the people's republic of china shall, inaccordance with the vienna convention on consular relations of 24 april,1963 and relevant laws and regulations of the people's republic of china,accord necessary assistance and facilities to the consulate general of therepublic of india in the exercise of consular functions.

3. the government of the people's republic of china takes note of thefact that the consulate general of the republic of india in hong kongconcurrently performs consular functions in macao and agrees to thecontinuation of this arrangement after the government of the people'srepublic of china resumes the exercise of sovereignty over macao witheffect from 20 december, 1999.

4. the operation of the consulate general of the republic of india inthe hong kong special administrative region of the people's republic ofchina, including its privileges and immunities, shall be regulated by thevienna convention on consular relations of 24 april, 1963.

5. the two parties shall handle consular matters between them in afriendly and cooperative spirit on the basis of equality and mutualbenefit.

6. the present agreement shall enter into force on 1 july, 1997. thetwo parties shall complete their respective domestic legal andconstitutional processes that are necessary to give effect to thisagreement before this date and notify the other party accordingly.

done in new delhi on 29 november, 1996 in duplicate in the chinese,hindi and english languages, all texts being equally authentic. in case ofdivergence, the english text shall prevail.

for the government of for the government of

the people's republic of china the republic of india

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