【有 效 性】有效
【正 文】
中华人民共和国政府代表 澳大利亚政府代表
钱 其 琛 亚历山大·唐纳
(签 字) (签 字)
【名称】 agreement between the government of the people's republic of chinaand the government of australia concerning the maintenance of theconsulate-general of australia in the hong kong special administrativeregion of the people's republic of china
【题注】 whole document
the government of the people's republic of china and the government ofaustralia (hereinafter referred to as "the two parties"), out of a commondesire to develop further the friendly relations between the twocountries, in accordance with section xi of annex i of the jointdeclaration of the government of the people's republic of china and thegovernment of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland onthe question of hong kong and article 157 of the basic law of the hongkong special administrative region of the people's republic of china,which stipulates that "consular and other official missions established inhong kong by states which have formal diplomatic relations with thepeople's republic of china may be maintained", and taking into account thestatus quo of the friendly consular relations between china and australia,have reached the following agreement concerning the maintenance of theconsulate-general of australia in the hong kong special administrativeregion of the people's republic of china following the resumption of theexercise of sovereignty over hong kong by the government of the people'srepublic of china on 1 july 1997:
1. the government of the people's republic of china agrees to themaintenance by the government of australia of its consulate-general in thehong kong special administrative region of the people's republic of china.
2. the government of the people's republic of china shall, inaccordance with the vienna convention on consular relations of 24 april1963 and relevant laws and regulations of the people's republic of china,accord necessary assistance and facilities to the consulate-general ofaustralia in the exercise of consular functions.
3. the operations of the australian consulate-general in the hong kongspecial administrative region shall be regulated by the vienna conventionon consular relations of 24 april 1963. consular matters shall be handledon the basis of equality and mutual benefit and in a friendly andcooperative spirit.
4. the present agreement shall enter into force on 1 july 1997. thetwo parties shall complete their respective domestic legal andconstitutional processes that are necessary to give effect to thisagreement before this date and notify the other party accordingly.
in witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized by theirrespective governments, have signed this agreement.
done in new york on 26 september 1996 in duplicate in the chinese andenglish languages, both texts being equally authentic.
for the government of the for the government of
people's republic of china australia