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发布时间:2010/6/4  浏览数: 3563 次  浏览字体:[ ]


【有 效 性】有效





【正  文】




第 一 条中华人民共和国持有效的中华人民共和国外交、公务护照的公民和泰王国持有效的泰王国外交、官员护照的公民,在缔约另一方入境、出境或者过境,停留不超过三十日,免办签证。

第 二 条本协定第一条所述缔约双方公民,须从缔约另一方向国际旅客开放的口岸入境、出境或者过境,并应依照该国主管机关的规定履行必要的手续。

第 三 条缔约一方持有效的外交、公务(官员)护照的公民,如是派驻缔约另一方使、领馆和国际组织人员及其配偶和未成年子女,均须向接受国有关当局申办相应签证。

第 四 条缔约一方公民在缔约另一方境内逗留期间,应当遵守缔约另一方的法律和规章。

第 五 条本协定不限制缔约双方的如下权利:拒绝不受欢迎和不可接受的缔约另一方人员进入本国领土或者缩短、终止其在本国领土上的逗留,并无须说明理由。

第 六 条一、由于公共秩序、国家安全、公共健康等原因,缔约双方均可临时中止本协定的全部或者部分条款,但在采取或者取消上述措施前,缔约一方应当通过外交途径通知缔约另一方。二、缔约双方经协商同意后,可采取互换照会方式补充或者修改本协定。

第 七 条一、缔约双方应当在本协定签字之日起三十日内,通过外交途径交换本协定第一条所述护照样本。二、在本协定有效期内,缔约一方如更新上述护照格式,应当提前六十日通过外交途径通知缔约另一方,并提供新护照样本。

第 八 条本协定自签字之日起第六十日生效。如缔约一方要求终止本协定,应当通过外交途径书面通知缔约另一方。本协定自通知之日起第九十日失效。本协定于一九九七年四月二日在北京签订,一式两份,每份均用中文、泰文和英文写成,三种文本同等作准。如在解释上发生分歧,则以英文本为准。

中华人民共和国政府 泰王国政府

代 表 代 表

【名称】 agreement between the government of the people's republic of chinaand the government of the kingdom of thailand on mutual exemption of visasfor holders of diplomatic and service (official) passports

【题注】 (beijing, on april 2, 1997)whole document

the government of the people's republic of china and the government of

the kingdom of thailand, with a view to further promoting friendly

relations between the two countries and facilitating exchange of visits by

citizens from either country, have, through friendly consultations on the

basis of equality and reciprocity, reached the following agreement on

mutual exemption of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic and

service (official) passports.

article i

citizens of the people's republic of china who are holders of valid

diplomatic or service passports of the people's republic of china and

citizens of the kingdom of thailand who are holders of valid diplomatic or

official passports of the kingdom of thailand shall be exempted from visa

requirements for entry into, exit from or transit through each other's

territory for a period of not exceeding thirty days.

article ii

citizens of either contracting party referred to in article i of this

agreement, shall enter into, exit from or transit through ports open to

international travellers of the other contracting party and go through

necessary formalities in accordance with the relevant regulations of the

latter's competent authorities.

article iii

a citizen of either contracting party, who is in possession of a valid

diplomatic or service (official) passport and is assigned as a member of

the diplomatic mission or consular office or international organization in

the territory of the other contracting party, including his spouse and

minor children, shall be required to obtain an appropriate visa from the

competent authorities of the receiving party.

article iv

citizens of either contracting party shall abide by the laws and

regulations in force of the other party during their stay in the latter's


article v

this agreement does not restrict the right of either contracting party

to prohibit persons non grata or unacceptable citizens of the other

contracting party from entering its territory or to shorten or terminate

their stay in its territory without citing reasons therefor.

article vi

1. either contracting party may temporarily suspend this agreement

partially or wholly on grounds of public order, state security and public

health. however, it shall notify the other contracting party in advance of

its intention to suspend the agreement and to subsequently cancel the

suspension through diplomatic channels.

2. additional clauses or amendments to the agreement may be made by

means of exchange of notes by the contracting parties after consultation.

article vii

1. the contracting parties shall exchange, through diplomatic

channels, samples of their passports referred to in article i within

thirty days after signing this agreement.

2. during the period of validity of this agreement, either contracting

party shall inform the other contracting party of any change to the form

of the above-mentioned passports through diplomatic channels sixty days

before its introduction and furnish the latter with samples of new


article viii

this agreement shall enter into force on the sixtieth day from the

date of its signature. if either contracting party wishes to terminate

this agreement, it shall notify the other contracting party of its

intention in writing through diplomatic channels, and this agreement shall

cease to be effective on the ninetieth day after the date of notification.

done in beijing on april 2, 1997 in duplicate in chinese, thai and

english, all texts of this agreement are equally authentic. in case of any

discrepancy in the interpretation of this agreement, the english text

shall prevail.

for the government of for the government of

the people's republic of china the kingdom of thailand

qian qichen prachuab chaiyasan

vice-premier &

minister of foreign affairs minister of foreign affairs

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